Thursday, May 14, 2009

Metro May

I am so not on the ball (boru?!) lately as you may or may not have noticed. Where has May gone? It seems like only yesterday I was looking forward to Golden Week and the next thing I know I have popped out on the other side. As you know I took a short trip to Saitama, but what you don't know is that I essentially drank my way through GW like alcohol was going out of style. I was, of course, washing down some tasty food with all that wine, vodka and beer (not necessarily in that order) and generally feeling smug that I was finally able to be one of those damn couples walking down the street for more than one day a week. But you know what all that evening fun meant? That I was confined to the apartment for the good part of the day when the sun was out and yet, instead of blogging about this damn poster that had been stalking me everywhere, I watched my fill of trashy American TV. It feels good to be so bad! I am also now out of microwave popcorn. So without further ado:
You know what sound went through my head when I first laid eyes on this? That old-fashioned wah wah wah sound that they use in abundance in cartoons to express schemes that hae failed and doors being slammed in expectant lover's faces. Because really, who the hell gets reception in the subway when the train is actually moving? No one, not even Godzilla. Hasn't there already been an anti-phone poster? And is it just me or does that guy look white?! Creepy has evidently lost his neck and possibly developed a bad case of sciatica from sitting like that. It doesn't help that he is separated from his lover. Has she gained weight? June will be here before you know it...


Kathryn said...

Maybe Creepy is meant to be a warning of what happens if you spend too long with your phone on your neck...

I'm so disappointed, I'm going to be in Tokyo this week and that is the suckiest train poster yet.

Green-Eyed Geisha said...

Are you in Tokyo already? Enjoy!!